lux future lab launches Summer School 2018 – Have fun & learn!
As it has done every year since 2012, BGL BNP Paribas’ lux future lab – whose aim is to drive the country’s economic and social trends by promoting training and business skills – is offering a group of around 30 young people the chance to attend its Summer School.
The seventh annual Summer School, which has already been attended by almost 200 high school students since its launch, will be held from 16 to 27 July 2018. It targets high school students who are one or two years away from taking their final exams and are faced with some tough choices: What should I study? Which job do I want to do? Which skills do I need to achieve this? Thanks to its comprehensive programme, Summer School helps young people to answer these questions.
Over two weeks, students will meet innovative entrepreneurs, experienced craftspeople and professionals, all of whom have a flair for originality and a real passion for what they do. The goal is to give students the tools they need to take control of their destiny by offering them new opportunities and passing on a key value: passion!
Designed in collaboration with around 50 stakeholders from the business and academic worlds, the programme offers enriching opportunities to meet people from a variety of backgrounds, team-building activities, practical workshops and, last but not least, one-on-one support from a careers advisor.
Students can register for Summer School 2018 online until 20 May 2018, on the lux future lab website (http://www.luxfuturelab.lu/training/summer-school/). The registration procedure and conditions for participation are also available on the website.