Cardif Lux Vie announces completion of merger by absorption of Cardif Life
The merger involving the insurance company Cardif Life, which has been acquired by its parent company Cardif Lux Vie, was successfully completed on 1 October 2019 following the approval of the competent regulatory authorities. ABN AMRO Life S.A. was renamed Cardif Life at the time of the closing of the acquisition transaction on September 3, 2018.
“We are delighted to see this merger completed, marking the end of the process to acquire ABN AMRO Life S.A.. Our ambition at Cardif Lux Vie is to consolidate our position as a major player with a strong commitment to the international life insurance market. I am also very happy to welcome the staff of Cardif Life to our company,” commented Jacques Faveyrol, CEO of Cardif Lux Vie.
Contacts presse – BGL BNP Paribas
Eliane Thines +352 42 42-62 64 eliane.thines@bgl.lu
Corinne Thill +352 42 42-30 85 corinne.thill@bgl.lu
Contact presse – Cardif Lux Vie
Emilie Sansonetti +352 26 214 5521 emilie.sansonetti@cardifluxvie.lu